Meet Chase
Chase is a boisterous 11-year-old, with a big personality!
Chase was born right on time and seemed like a typical baby.
His head measurements were less than zero percent and his chest wall was noticeably pronounced. Within the first few weeks of life, it was very apparent that Chase was unhappy. He cried all the time.
It seemed as though he was in physical pain. He met most early milestones on time. He was alert and engaging.
He had great eye contact and plenty to babble about.
When it came to standing and walking independently, the timeliness of milestones started to wane. He walked around 17 months old.
He babbled frequently but showed clear signs of speech delays.
His startle reflex was very noticeable. Loud noises seem to hit him as if the sound waves impacted him literally. By age three he was in early intervention programs. He still only had a handful of intelligible words and the difference between Chase and typical peers was noticeable.
Taking Chase into public spaces required him to be very closely guarded, he ran and crashed into everything.
Chase’s parents searched for answers. At first, it was explained that Chase had “sensory issues.” Eventually, he was diagnosed with a vestibular disorder, which explained why swinging was so scary and why walking on uneven surfaces or through doorways invoked panic.
Speech and language disorders, ADHD, Intellectual disability, mild Cerebral Palsy, and anxiety were soon all added to the diagnostic profile. Physically Chase is quite healthy, but he requires help with most self-care activities. He attends a school for kids with intellectual disabilities where he receives customized instruction and many therapeutic supports.
He benefits from speech, occupational and physical therapies.
Chase loves physical activities such as running, playing in the swimming pool, and hiking. He enjoys painting and playing with play-doh.
He has a fantastic sense of imagination and plays well independently.
At age 11 playing with wooden blocks, Legos and toy trains are still long-time favorites.
He loves playing with his older brother. He loves train-spotting and watching movies.
He has a fantastic long-term memory and strives to be helpful.
Chase has a great grin and gives top-notch hugs.